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A Look at the Business Value of Optimized Plastic Egg Production Products

Written by DuraPlas | May 23, 2024 6:30:48 PM

High efficiency and stringent cost management are more than just best practices in hatchery operations—they are critical requirements for economic survival and profitability in the competitive poultry market. Plastics are proving their value across various hatchery operations, providing long-term benefits that save poultry farmers time and money, optimize transport, and enhance product quality and safety. All of this translates to a collective return on investment that makes the transition to plastic an intelligent business decision.

Choosing high-quality plastic products for egg transportation typically entails an initial capital investment that might seem costly compared to purchasing traditional materials like cardboard or pulp. However, the inherent durability and extended usability of plastics ensure that these items do not need to be replaced as frequently as their paper-based counterparts, which often endure wear and tear more quickly. The long lifespan of plastic products not only cuts down on the frequency of replacements but also on the long-term expenses associated with purchasing new equipment.

In the hatchery: how plastic products save time and minimize waste 

Plastic hatchery products are specifically designed to streamline operations. Features such as enhanced stackability, reduced weight, and simplified handling procedures directly decrease labor efforts and operational timings. Lightweight plastic egg trays, for example, allow workers to transport larger quantities of eggs in a single trip without exceeding weight restrictions, effectively lowering fuel and transportation costs. 

Another benefit of using plastic in hatcheries is the significant reduction in egg wastage. Thanks to the malleability of plastics, plastic egg trays that are designed to cushion and protect decrease the number of eggs broken during transport. This protection against waste is no small benefit: even a small percentage decrease in breakages can translate into substantial financial savings annually, especially in larger operations that handle thousands of eggs daily. Preserving more eggs from damage also means maximizing the output from the resources already invested in egg production, such as feed, water, and energy for incubation.

Plastics offer an additional advantage in terms of biosecurity. Because they’re non-porous and easy to clean, plastic containers can be thoroughly sanitized between uses, reducing the risk of disease transmission—a risk that is significantly higher with materials like wood or cardboard that are difficult to clean and disinfect. This aspect of plastic usage not only helps protect the flock's health but also mitigates the risk of potential large-scale losses due to outbreaks, thereby safeguarding the hatchery's financial stability.

Improved reputation and compliance

Employing state-of-the-art, clean, and aesthetically pleasing plastic hatchery products can also boost a business’s reputation. Demonstrating a commitment to using high-quality, sanitary, and environmentally friendly materials can favorably impact a hatchery's standing with clients, regulatory bodies, and the market at large. And, from a customer satisfaction standpoint, the consistent use of reliable and efficient egg transport systems can lead to repeat business, and possibly, new customer acquisitions through positive word-of-mouth and industry reviews.

Long-term economic impact

While the initial costs of plastic hatchery products are higher, the long-term economic benefits are clear and impactful. These benefits include:

  • Lower replacement costs due to the durability of plastic.
  • Decreased operational expenses from reduced labor and transportation needs.
  • Substantial reductions in egg wastage, preserving more produce for sale.
  • Improved biosecurity, which helps avoid losses from disease.

Investing in high-quality plastic products allows hatcheries to enhance operational efficiencies, improve their economic outlook, and maintain a competitive edge in the market. The decision to invest in these materials is not just about immediate needs but about setting things up for sustained future success. Hatcheries embracing these innovative solutions will likely see not only financial gains but also advances in their operational practices and business reputations.