Tennessee Wholesale Nursery Backs DURA-BENCH
DURA-BENCH bench tops don’t come in University of Tennessee orange, but Mike Pope is still a huge fan. Mike, co-owner of Pope’s Plant Farm in Marysville, Tennessee, wanted a new material to use in constructing growing tables for annual plugs. The family-owned wholesale nursery plugs grow year-round.
“We were dead set against using a wood surface, since it rots. We noticed a lot of people at trade shows were promoting plastic and resin bench tops, and we saw that Wal-Mart and Home Depot were using plastic surfaces for displays. We figured all these people couldn’t be wrong.”
As he explored his options, Pope came across the DURA-BENCH product at a trade show. He was so impressed with the durability and affordability that he purchased enough 2’x4′ DURA-BENCH panels to create 160 4-foot wide by 96-foot long tables. He has two acres of flowers growing on DURA-BENCH bench tops.
“When we priced things out, the DURA-BENCH solution was about 50 percent less expensive than steel table tops, even with the deep discount we were getting from the local steel mill,” said Pope. He said the DURA-BENCH bench tops have worked so well that he plans to buy more next spring. Currently, he’s growing five million annual plugs under one roof using the DURA-BENCH product. He rotates the flower crops about four times each year. “The sections were EASY TO CONFIGURE and CONSTRUCTION WAS SIMPLE. We’re using metal legs, so this structure is strong and durable,” said Pope.
Pope’s family has been in the nursery business for 30 years, and Pope has worked with his father for the last 22 years in the wholesale nursery business. His mother runs a retail nursery, and she also uses the DURA-BENCH product.
“The DURA-BENCH bench tops WON’T ROT and they aren’t damaged by sliding flats and trays across them. They are also EASY TO CLEAN.”
“In our wholesale nursery we’re not as concerned with the look and feel of the bench tops, like we would be in a retail environment. For us, the reliability of the structure and ease of use, as well as cost were deciding factors in pursuing the DURA-BENCH option. We’ve been very pleased with the decision. It wouldn’t hurt if they were orange, though.” Until then, Pope will keep the benches covered with a healthy batch of orange flowers.
The DURA-BENCH plastic bench tops are available in dark green and black, and custom colors are available. Each 2’x4′ panel weighs 8.1 lbs. DURA-BENCH is made of polypropylene material that is impact and wear resistant. The bench tops are treated to resist damage from the sun and contain anti-bacterial additive throughout the product–the UV protection and anti-bacterial protection won’t wear off, even if the product is scratched or marred. Pre-drilled construction holes mean the sections can be quickly assembled and disassembled without damaging the bench top.
For more information on DURA-BENCH bench tops, go to duraplasinc.com, or call (800) 527-0657. DURA-BENCH is manufactured by Dallas-based DuraPlas.